Friday, March 23, 2012

When all else fails.....

Read ALL the directions!

That is a rule that I should know by heart by now.  Even if I extend it to "study ALL the pictures", I should have this down.  But, sad to say, I had to re-learn it yesterday.

I started the day with some 'warm-up' beads.  I did two beads with stripes.  One is round and the other is the same technique, but  I added some textured by rolling it over my marver.

Then, I started working on my 'triangle' beads.
My first attempts look no different than the ones
I had done before.

So, I decided to re-read ALL the directions. 
I realized, I had missed a step.  I was not allowing the dots to melt into the bead before I put the clear glass over the bead. 
So I decided to give this a try.

Now, you might think "there is nothing wrong with that bead."  And you are right.  It is a great bead.
It is just not what I was trying to do. 
I let the dots melt in and as I was trying to add the clear glass on the top, I got the whole bead too warm and the dots were dragged all over the bead.
I like the bead.  Don't get me wrong. 
It was just not what I was trying to do.

So, I tried again.

And this time, I think a did a whole lot better.  They are not perfect and I will be making lots more till I can do them in my sleep, but they are better.

I also found a great way to wear my Red, White and Blue beads that I made the other day.

Those silver plated hoops are going to get a lot of mileage in my house.  On my trip to Wally World today, I will probably pick up a few more packs.

Have a great day!


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